sunnuntai 31. tammikuuta 2016


"You came in to my life when I was feeling sad and blue.
You brought smile back to my face, that is true.
Even you were total stranger still felt that Ive known you forever.

Said you feel that I understand you, and for some reason I really do.
When I was in your arms and we kissed for the first time, 
I felt that everything was right.
You make me feel good just by excisting in this world,
that must have been the craziest thing you´ve ever heard.

My world stopped for a while, when we had to say goodbye.
All I want is you to be happy and feeling good.
There is nothing I wouldn´t do for you.
Take my love and let it quide you through bad times
´cause as we know life is life."

No joo onkohan sitä tullut katottua vähän liikaakin tuota romanttista hömppää kun alitajunta heittää tälläistä tekstiä. Oli miten oli niin näin on ;) 

Tänään vähän höpsähtänyt ja unelmoiva Sartsa

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